
Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question about Air SeaTac Virtual or need a snippet of information about Flight Simulator, then you've come to the right place.

FAQ Archive
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Category: FAQ

Most of the problems you're likely to encounter will be addressed in the FAQ which can be found here


What's happened to hoplists and hub flights?

We hope to continue running monthly hoplists and other organised flights on These are now known as 'Achievements'. These will be listed in your crew portal when you're logged in to and switched to Air SeaTac Vitual from the 'My Airlines' link in the menu


Can we tranfer our current flight logs to

We are currently in discussion with the developer at and hope to find a way of transferring flight logs for all current pilots who join us there. When services are shut down on the old site a copy of the database will be taken so all historical data will be available if needed.