
Flights and Events Archive

View all the previously held Online Events at Air SeaTac Virtual. Covers the Online and 24 Hour Events. A selection of flight plans from the Air SeaTac Online Events, in FSNavigator format. Download the flight plans and check out some of the varied flights that have previously been on offer at AST Online.

Pizza, Pasta, Vino and a little Gelato!

Original Event date: 2022-06-01

Enjoy Italy and the surrounding areas at its best!

FSNavigator FlightPlan

An FSNavigator flightplan is available for this Event.

The Route
1Faro - LPFRLESB - Son Bonet525.65
2Son Bonet - LESBLIEE - Elmas Mil295.40
3Elmas Mil - LIEELICR - Reggio Calabria317.13
4Reggio Calabria - LICRLIBD - Palese Macchie191.13
5Palese Macchie - LIBDLIRU - Urbe197.72
6Urbe - LIRULIMJ - Sestri218.04
7Sestri - LIMJLFKF - Figari/Sud Corse175.16
8Figari/Sud Corse - LFKFLSGG - Geneva312.31
9Geneva - LSGGLOWI - Innsbruck223.89
10Innsbruck - LOWILIMF - Caselle196.99
11Caselle - LIMFLIPY - Falconara Mil262.80
12Falconara Mil - LIPYLIRI - Pontecagnano192.57
13Pontecagnano - LIRILICC - Fontanarossa189.61
14Fontanarossa - LICCLICJ - Punta Raisi102.60
15Punta Raisi - LICJLIPB - Bolzano503.22
16Bolzano - LIPBLIRZ - San Egidio208.14
17San Egidio - LIRZLIRJ - Marina Di Campo101.82
18Marina Di Campo - LIRJLIPZ - Tessera188.17
19Tessera - LIPZLIRN - Capodichino Mil290.09
20Capodichino Mil - LIRNLIMC - Malpensa374.53
 Number of Hops: 20Total Distance:5066.97